Pieza amortiguadora de vehículos ferroviarios


El chevron spring is composed of three metal plates and rubber compounds.

These three plates are bonded to each other by vulcanized rubber compounds in a “V” chevron shape with equal spacing.


Chevron spring is a multi-purpose shock-absorbing component.

It can obtain different spring stiffness in longitudinal, horizontal, and vertical directions.


Sin embargo, we can change the number of layers or dimensions of the metal plates of the chevron spring to obtain different stiffness.

Or, we can adjust the performance of the rubber material of the chevron spring to obtain different stiffness.

At the same time, we can change the installation angles of the chevron spring to obtain different rigidity as well.


Chevron spring functions as a damper for the primary suspension, it has the characteristics of a lightweight, simple structure, and long service life.

Por lo tanto, we install it between the axle box and the bogie of rail vehicles.


Furthermore, many kinds of rail vehicles use chevron springs, like light rail trains and intercity trains.


For your reference, RNTICO® can design different types of chevron springs with different dimensions, installation angles, and mechanical performances.


Y lo que es más, we have another shock-absorbing component for rail vehicles, the rubber pad for draft gear.

Usually, we install it into draft gear.

To make it play a role in connecting vehicles and vehicles, locomotives, or bullet trains, transmit traction and braking force, and ease the longitudinal impact.


La almohadilla de goma para equipo de tiro con la marca RNTICO® tiene las características de alta carga., alto rendimiento físico, resistencia a bajas temperaturas, y resistencia a la fluencia.

Ahora, Lo hemos suministrado a los fabricantes de engranajes de tiro en grandes cantidades..

Por ahora, RTIC® Puede proporcionar los productos en existencia mencionados anteriormente para su selección..
Por favor amablemente Contáctenos si tiene demandas sobre otros artículos. Y personalizaremos los productos según sus solicitudes..

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